Hisotory Palette


The history palette is very useful when you want to navigate the undo/redo history. You can click in the desired undo level to achieve exactly the same result as when using the traditional Ctrl + Z or Ctrl + Y shortcuts. The advantage here is that you can jump to the action you wish and also preview the description of the previous editing actions you made.

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You display the history palette (when hidden) doing

  • View > Palettes > Undo/Redo History

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  • Organisation

Any action you perform is added at the bottom of the palette. So the oldest one also appears on the top of the palette. (Here the first Move action).

  • The current one is the bottom most yellowish one (Here the Move on the center of the palette) with the pointer icon.
  • The ones in light yellow that lay over the current level are the ones you can still access.
  • The ones below (in grey) are the ones you already have "undo" and you can recall performing redo actions (Ctrl + Y).
  • Furthemore, each undo step display an icon (for the category of editing action : FX, edit, objects...) and the title description of the editing action.


  • Navigation

Instead of using the commands : Edit > Undo or Edit > Redo or the shortcuts Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Y, use your mouse or stylus :

  • Click in the undo level you wish to access in the history palette you wish to access. This performs the undo actions and brings back the project to the state it was at the point you selected. You do not need to navigate them one by one and can access the top most in the history palette if you want with a single mouse click.


When you navigate the history palette you don't see all the undo levels you can access. In the previous example you see the five undo levels but also have access to the previous one. When on the top of the history palette do Ctrl + Z once more :

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You than may modify  your project as it was before the last undo level you keep memory. Remember you can modify the number of undo levels

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